Monday, May 9, 2016

Why I Find The Kardashians Inspiring!

The Kardashians to me are examples of smart business women who know how to take advantage of the social media world we live in today. Most people say they are only famous because of their looks, but I don't think that's true. Yes, looks may help, but it takes an intelligent brain to know how to build an empire like they have (you can read about what they are up to here: Kardashian Unsealed). These sisters are truly inspirations to me.

Although I love Kourtney and Khloe a lot, Kim is still my all time favorite Kardashian. I love how she is the second oldest of the family siblings, but seems to be the leader of the group. I would say she is the glue of the family. Plus, if it wasn't for her, her family wouldn't have reached the fame they have. She is always pushing the envelope and is a true entrepreneur.

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